Livro sobre a historia da IMU em acesso aberto

Informação recebida do secretário geral da IMU, Helge Holden:

It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication of the book
Framing Global Mathematics: The International Mathematical 
Union between Theorems and Politics
by Norbert Schappacher (Springer, Cham, 2022).
Schappacher’s book provides the most comprehensive and exciting take on the history of the IMU since Olli Lehto’s “Mathematics without borders, a history of the International Mathematical Union”, and more broadly analyzes the historical context of today’s mathematics and its place in world culture. It is available in open access and can be freely downloaded from here.
The origins of this project date back to 2019, when – following a call made to all AOs (see AO CL 10/2019) – the IMU solicited the writing of a book to mark the occasion of the centennial of the founding of the IMU in 1920. The project is generously sponsored by the Klaus Tschira Foundation.

ICM 2022 and IMU Award Ceremony

ICM 2022, 6–14 July 2022

The schedule for the virtual ICM 2022 can be found at the website. Attendance at the virtual ICM 2022 will be free of charge but requires advance registration.

IMU Award Ceremony

All IMU awards will be presented at an in-person event in Helsinki, Finland, on 5 July, 2022. Admission will be free of charge but advance registration is required. More details will be made available in due course.

ICM Proceedings

The ICM Proceedings will be produced by EMS Press, the publishing house of the European Mathematical Society. The editors will be S. Smirnov (Geneva) and D. Beliaev (Oxford).

For updated information please consult the web page of the IMU:


Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), September 18–23, 2022

Informação recebida da IMU. Os interessados em participar devem contactar os seus respetivos centros sobre o processo de nomeação.

The 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) will take place in Heidelberg, Germany between September 18–23, 2022.

At the HLF, all winners of the Fields Medal, the Abel Prize, the ACM A.M. Turing Award, the Nevanlinna Prize, and the ACM Prize in Computing are invited to attend. In addition, young and talented computer scientists and mathematicians are invited to apply for participation. The previous HLFs have been an exceptional success. The HLF serves as a great platform for interaction between the masters in the fields of mathematics and computer science and young talents. Over the course of the week-long conference, young researchers will be given the exclusive possibility to profoundly connect with their scientific role models and find out how the laureates made it to the top of their fields. As described by a young researcher, “The balance between scientific sessions and informal meetings, as well as discussions on the most up-to-date subjects was just perfect! As a young researcher, this was an experience I’ll not ever forget, and I believe the contacts I made will have a positive impact on my future career.”

Applications for participation at the 9th HLF are open in three categories: Undergraduate/Pre-Master, Graduate PhD, and PostDocs. The application period for the 9th HLF runs from November 11, 2021, until February 11, 2022. 

Young researchers at all phases of their careers (Undergraduate/Pre-Master, Graduate PhD, or PostDocs) are encouraged to complete and submit their applications by February 11 (midnight CET).

The IMU Adhering Organizations and national mathematical societies can also nominate young researchers. Nominated persons get “priority treatment”, but, since there may be too many nominations, they have no acceptance guarantee.

See the webpage for the online application and nomination forms.

The deadline for application is February 11, 2022.

For questions regarding requirements and the application process, please contact Young Researchers Relations at: <>. All applications that are completed and submitted by the deadline are meticulously reviewed by an international committee of experts to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are invited. There are 100 spaces available for each discipline of mathematics and computer science. All applicants will be notified by the end of April 2022 whether or not they are invited. If meeting in person is not safely possible, a digital alternative will be developed that creates spaces for effective, sustainable interaction.

Informação da IMU

[IMU AO CL 19/2021]

The IMU and some of its Commissions and Committees issue newsletters regularly throughout the year.  They are:

All newsletters are now being delivered via a third-party newsletter provider, making them visually appealing and user-friendly.  The provider is fully compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Subscription is via a simple two-step opt in process.  Existing subscribers have already been notified of the change and the subscription renewal process. We are now writing to all members to encourage everyone to subscribe to these newsletters via the links above and keep up-to-date with news from the community.

Apoios para a participação no ICM 2022

A CNM recebeu da IMU a seguinte informação sobres programas de apoio para a participação de investigadores jovens no ICM 2022. Os interessados no programa Kovalevskaya devem contactar em primeiro lugar os responsáveis dos seus centros.

For the ICM 2022 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the organizers have generously
announced two different grant programs:

The Chebyshev Grants
The Chebyshev Grants program provides full support (including airfare and local expenses in Saint Petersburg) to 1000 participants from developing countries. Priority will be given to applications received by 31 March 2021.

The Kovalevskaya Grants
The Kovalevskaya Grants program provides local support for up to 1000 Early Career participants from developed countries. Interest in applying for a Kovalevskaya grant can be indicated in your ICM account after registration.

Further information can be found on the website